Residential Care Homes Music Therapy Clerkhill

Residential Care Homes Music Therapy Clerkhill

Music can have many different effects on the body and mind, and when used in therapeutic situations, it can be a great way to help people feel more relaxed and involved. At Grampian Music Therapy, we appreciate the power of music on people of all ages. One such environment that can benefit from music therapy in residential care homes.

If you own or manage a care home or multiple care homes, you must ensure you are taking care of all aspects of your resident's well-being. Residential care homes music therapy Clerkhill can do just that for you.

Residential Care Home Homes Music Therapy Clerkhill
A successful and thriving care home is one in which the residents are relaxed and happy and meet all their mental and physical needs.

Many studies have shown the benefits of music in providing a calm and stimulating environment. As a care home manager, if you want to support your social activity roster to include music, we can help. Our registered and qualified music therapists are on hand to bring the residential care homes music therapy Clerkhill residents.
The Benefits of Music Therapy
Have you ever listened to a song that has brought back many memories or transported you to a different time and place? Or have you been able to use music to express yourself in the past?

Providing your residents with this outlet can help them to communicate through the medium of music. For residents who are feeling lonely or withdrawn, those with limited verbal communication skills, or who need an outlet, music therapy can be a way for them to express how they are feeling in a way they can be fully understood.

Our music therapists will use sounds and rhythms to engage clients in a group or one-on-one sessions. They will encourage your residents to express how they want to benefit from music therapy.

Introducing musical therapy sessions can offer a different form of therapy that isn't what they expect. It isn't about talking; it can be simply listening to the sounds others create, finding words to accompany the music they are hearing or learning to play an instrument and create their own unique sounds.

If your residents feel they aren't being heard or supported, this will affect their emotional and physical well-being.

Using music as a sensory outlet can be especially pleasing for adults on the autistic spectrum, those who struggle with speech and movement due to illnesses or health conditions, or those struggling with mental health concerns. It can even be beneficial for the staff to see how best to work with residents who need extra support and patience to help them better.

On top of this, our music therapy sessions can help your residents interact with others more efficiently and communicate with their friends and family when they visit.

Choosing Music Therapy for Care Homes
Loneliness is a silent killer amongst older generations. Still, giving your residents the options for socialisation and support via residential care homes music therapy Clerkhill sessions can help them regain their confidence and individuality. The benefits of music therapy are far-reaching, and for those in a residential care home setting, being encouraged to get creative and explore their own identity at a time when they may feel it has been stripped away can be vital support.

For more information, including all enquiries about residential care homes music therapy, Clerkhill, check the website for our contact details and services.